"Italian Thrash Relics - Vol. I": two tracks available for streaming
After unveiling the bands who will take part to first release of “Italian Thrash Relics”and the artwork by the artist Andrea Pini, DeathStorm Records and Rude Awakening Records are proud to spread two tracks for streaming, part of the newborn series totally devoted to the Italian old school Thrash movement. DESMODUS will come first with the tracks “Human Wreck” and “See The Light”, only available in their 1992 demotape and now remastered; these tracks can be listened on the label's official channels (YouTube, Bandcamp, Soundcloud). Links: https://www.youtube.com/LtPzdTGjhWs https://soundcloud.com/rudeawakening_records/desmodus-human-wreck https://www.youtube.com/x6QOpayw6e0 https://soundcloud.com/rudeawakening_records/desmodus-see-the-light Shortly, also FURIOUS BARKING tracks will be available for streaming, and the release date of “Italian Thrash Relics – Vol. I” is soon to be revealed!